The Jai Balaji Madhyamik Vidyalaya at Village Methi, Taluka Sindhkheda, District Dhule which runs under the auspices of the 'Rugna Seva Mandal Trust' was set up by Shri Gajanan Takane, a police officer by profession, who out of his sheer passion found time in his busy schedule to educate the children of his village in the remote backward tribal area of district Dhule. I had the unique privilege of being closely associated with him and have visited the school several times in the last two decades and seen their progress very closely.
Today, when education has become a commercial Industry, it is very heartening to witness, that in this small village like Methi, 'Education' still continues to be a noble profession albeit a commitment where the Takanes have taken upon themselves the mantle with total devotion, dedication and who through their sustained efforts and selfless work strive to ensure that no child is deprived of education and to achieve this objective the 'Rugna Seva Mandal Trust' founded by them totally finances every student with their academic fees, books, text books, uniforms and even a daily afternoon meal, which is very essential for these underprivileged and malnourished children.
The other infrastructure made available by the trust for the students includes clean drinking water, close circuit TVs to monitor their security, Computers for hand on experience, etc which even a Metropolitan school would envy.
Knowing the commitment of Shri Nitin Takane, Chairman of the Trust and other trustees, I have no doubt in my mind that the students of this school have a bright and promising future and the school will continue to steadily grow and progress with galloping strides in the years to come. I wish them all success.
- Mr Shailesh Bijoor, Advisor (Protocol),
Former Joint Secretary & Joint Chief Protocol Officer
Government of Maharashtra,